ITEM No.1: The undivided share of open land admeasuring 46.07 sq yards or equivalent to 38.771 sq mtrs, out of 4767.4 sq yards or equivalent to 3986.166 sqmts in Survey No. 238/1, Nearest Door No. 3-53, situated at Guntupalli Village and Gram Panchayat, Ibrahimpatnam Mandal, Krishna District under SRO Ibrahimpatnam, East Some Property belonging to Pacchapatia Chandra Sekhar and part of Road, South Property belonging to Marupudi Vishnuvardan Rao & Others, West Property belonging to Marupudi Sudarshana Anjaneyulu and sons, North Property belonging to Marupudi Annapuma Devi & others ITEM No.2: Flat Details: In the total site of item No 1. apartments were constructed under the name and style of "Anjana Green Park in which Flat No. 218 in First Floor with the following boundaries: East: Common corridor, South Open to sky. West: Common corridor, North Open to sky In between the above four boundaries Flat with a plinth area of 855 Sq. ft common area of 114 Sq ft. 100 sq ft parking area in stilt floor, with all easement rights and with joint usage rights in common areas and common facilities belongs to "Anjana Green Park" subject to the payment of maintainence and repairing charges to the apartment association