Residential Flat No. 416, 3rd Floor, Satya Comforts apartments situated in D. No. 152/2 of Dwarka Nagar, Koritepadu village, Koritepadu Mandal, Guntur dist. The apartment is having an undivided and unspecified share site measuring an extent of 39,804 SqYds out of total extant 3112.66 Sq. Yds The plinth area of the Flat is 1000 Sft. Boundaries for Undivided, Unspecified indivisible share of 39.804 Sq yds: East Road : 205'-00", South: Property belongs to Municipal Corporation park: 133'00", West: Property belongs to Suraboina Judath, Cherukun Mallikharjuna Road, Mandalapu Rani and others: 210'-00", North: Property belongs to Madamanchi Aruna and others : 136'-06". Boundaries for Flat No. 416 East: Open to Sky, South: Open to Sky, West Common Corridor, North: Open to Sky.