All Piece and parcel of property situated at Flat No. 111/B1/FF, measuring 1200 Sq. Ft. Including Common area, situated on First Floor of Ghataprabha Block(Block 1) KHB Heritage in the multi- storeyed building, constructed on the property in R.S.No.219(part), corresponding CTS number bearing CTS No. 5710 (part), again new corresponding CTS No. 5710/A1B, totally measuring 2735 5/9 Sq. Yrd situated at Indra Prastha Nagar, Jakkeri Honda, Belagavi, within the limits of City Corporation of Belagavi and within the jurisdiction of Sub-Registrar, Belagavi and bounded on the EAST: Airspace and Corridor WEST :Airspace NORTH :Airspace and Corridor SOUTH :Airspace