All that part and parcel of Residential Flat Consisting of 2 Bedrooms, 1 tolet, 1 kithcen, 1 Drawing Cum Dining Room, 1 Varandah measuring 637 Sq.ft, Flat No. 2B super built up area situated and lying at Premises No. 91/2, Motilal Gupta Road, P.S. Thakurpukur, Kolkata 700 008 under Ward No. 122 within the limits of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Mouza- Muradpur, J.L. No. 13, R.S. No. 192, Touzi No. 74-77, 82 under R.S. Khatian No. 261, appertaining to R.S. Dag No. 552. Owned by Swapan Sinha. Bounded: On the North by 13 feet wide Common Road, On the South by - Land of Sri Monimay Duta, On the East By-Land of Barindra Nath Ghosh, On the West by-13 foet wide KMC Road. (Property under our Symbolic Possession)