All that piece and parcel of land measuring 2 Cottah 12 Sq.ft together with two storied building standing thereon measuring 3000 Sq.ft covered area lying and situated at Mouza . Naihati J.L. No. 3. R.S. No. 21. Touzi No. 630. R.S. No. 21. C.S. Khatian Nos. 340 & 366. R.S. Khatian No. 2514- 2519. 2526-2531 R.S. Dag No. 1496, L R Khatian Nos. 8404. 8403. 8406, LR Dag No. 2483 being Holding No. 10/20 Atal Behari Sarkar Road, Ward No. 18 of Naihati Municipality Dist - North 24 Parganas, Naihati Pin - 743 165 Boundary : On the North : 15 No. Flat and House of Durgapada Bairagi, On the East : Self House, On the West: 12 Foot Wide Road, On the South 12 Foot Wide Road