Schedule of Apartment : All that piece and parcel of a land measuring flat at M. S. Apartment, Room No. O, Ground Floor, Dakshin Math, Kaikhali, Kolkata - 700 052 under RS Khatian No. 270, LR Khalian Nos. KRI-4, KRI-21, KRI-282, KRI - 408, KRI- 610, RS Dag Nos. 298, 299, LR Dag Nos. 298, 299 at Mandal Gandhi, J.L. No. 6, RS No. 122, Touzi No. 118/B-1, RS Khatian No. 276, under Rajarhat Gopalpur Municipality, PS. - Rajarhat, Ward No. 26, 24 Parganas North. The said Property is bounded as follows : On the North - Property of Pradip Barua, On the South - 20 ft Wide Road, On the East - Simplex Projects Lid., On the West - Air india Quarter. (Property under Physical Possession)