All that part and parcel of flat (Flat No.202, First Floor, Block III, Sri Lakshmi Srinivasa Towers) with plinth area 1075.00 Sq. feet including common area & car parking area) together with undivided area & unspecified share of land area 39.14 Sq. Yds. out of 704.60 Sq. Yds. located at R.S No. 873/1, 873/2, 875, 876/1A and 976/2A, Plot No. 9, Near Door No. 8-126, flat no.202, First floor, Block III, Sri Laxmi Srinivasa Towers, Venkatapuram village, Eluru Mandal, West Godavari, AP 534002. Item No.1 : Undivided area & unspecified share of land area 39.14 Sq. Yds. out of 704.60 Sq. Yds. plot no. 9, L.P.No. 16/2004, near D.No.8-126, in R.S.No. 873/1, 873/2, 875, 876/1A and 876/2A in Venkatapuram village and Gram panchayat, Eluru mandal, Eluru Sub-Division, West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh bounded by East : Site of Shaik Mujubur Rahman- 51’ South : Plot No. 10-109.6’ West : 33 feet wide road – 62.6’ North : Common site-114’ Item No.2 : Flat no. 202, First floor, Block no.III in apartment named Sri Laxmi Srinivasa Tower (including common area) having plinth area 1075.00 sq. ft. Built in Item no.1 site, boundaries of flat are East : Corridor, Staircase South : Open to sky West : Flat no.201 North : Corridor