Name of Title holders: Yuvaraj S/o Late. Mr. Sanjeevi Chetty, Mr. Y.Santhosh S/o Mr. A.S. Yuvaraj, Ms. Y.Kaviya D/o Mr. A.S. Yuvaraj Property situated in Krishnagiri District, Krishnagiri Registration District, Bargur Sub Registration District, Oppathavadi Village Sy.No. 518/2, Dry.Ext.Hec. 0.33.0, Asst.Rs.0.71 in this New Sub Division Sy.No. 518/2B, Dry.Ext.Hec. 0.28.0, Asst.Rs.0.60 in this land bounded by:- To the West of 10 Feet Wide Common Road, To the South of: Dr. Chennaiyan land, To the North of: Cemetery, Mrs. Jamuna land, To the East of: Agalya Hospital. In the midst measuring an extent of Ac.0.24 cents land with RCC House.