All the Part and Parcel of the Property consisting Junhera Road, Mauza Dayalpur SMD of House in the name of Mr. Surender Singh S/o Sheel Singh measuring 10 Marlas forming part of Khewat No. 88/91, Khatoni No 104, Rect No 57, Killa No. 16/2/2/(3-10), Khatoni no 105, Rect no 57, Killa no 16/2/1/(2-10), Khatoni no 106, Rec 57, Killa no 16//2/2/1(1-3), Khatoni No 107, Rect No 57 Killa No 25/1(2-13) situated at Junehera Road within the revenue estate of Mauza Dayalpur, Sub Tehsil Dayalpur Ballabhgarh Faridabad