All that part of Piece and parcel of land bearing Natham SF no:30 (as per new S.F.No. 30/1) and in Natham S.F.No.31/3, measuring 3183.25 Sq.ft, (measuring East-West 62 ft on south, 57 fton North, North-South 54 ft on West, 53 ft on East,) situated in Karuvappa nayakan pettai village, Kulithalai Taluk, Kulithalai SRO, Karur RD, Karur District bounded by East of K Muthusamy site, West of North-South common street, North of Ganapathypillai backyard, South of Karur-Trichy Main road, In this site excluding the North-West portion house site measuring 567 Sq.ft. sold to Arumugam remaining proeprty measuring 26161/4 Sq ft and a RCC building commercial building constructed thereon in the name of Mr.A. Thangavel In the Year 2011, NHAI has acquired 44.00 (473 Sq. ft) of land for road widening workand the remaining land area is 2142.75 Sq.ft.