All the part and parcel of the property situated at Madurai District, Madurai North Registration District, Thallakulam Sub Registry, Madurai North Taluk Managiri Village at present Madurai Corporation. R.S.No.18/7 Sub divided as R.S.No.18/7B Plot No.11 with an extent of 5015Sq.ft (excluding road portion) Measuring East West on Northern side 45 ft on Southern Side 40 ft and North South on the Eastern side 114 ft on the Western Side 122 ft totalling 5015 Sq.ft and Road portion measuring 217 Sq.ft totalling 5232 Sq.ft (including road portion) and constructed house there on North: 6 Feet wide East West Pathway, East: 5 Feet wide South North lane, South: House comprised in R.S.No.18/9 belongs to Filomina and -Lakshmiammal West : House Comrised in R.S.No.18/7A belongs to Rathinam and others