Name of Title Holder: Sh. Ravi Singh S/o Sh. Hari Singh EMT of all that of residential property bearing Khata Khatoni No. 1335, Fasli Varsh 1416 se 1421, Khasra No. 241 Mi Ju. situated at Mauja Haripur Kalan, Pargana Parwa Doon, Tehsil Rishikesh, District Dehradun. Total Land Area measuring 53.15 and Sh. Mahesh, 26 West- Land of Seller, 26 North- Sq. Mt. i.e. 572 Sq. ft. Boundaries: East- House of Sh. Girish Road 14 ft. wide, 22 ft., South- House of Sh. Ghannand Goniyal 22ft. Symbolic Possession