coimbatore Registration District, Pollachi Sub Registration District, Pollachi Taluk, Suleeswaranpatti village, S.F.No.40, a part of the property in sOuthem side in an extent of 9.58 acres an exte nt of 1.69 acres converted into house site plot and ame as "Marud hamaa appan Nagar in which plot No.12 within the tollawing boundaries: To the north of plot Na.14, To the South of 15 ft. east to west layout road, To the east of 16L.south to north and plot No.11 To the west of plot No.13. Admeasuring 152.73 sq.mts or 1644 sqft in which plot No.12 va cant house site. l) Again "Maruthamala iappan Nagar lay out in which plot No.14 within the following boundaries: To the North of plot No.15, To the south of plot Nos.13, To the east of plot Nos.10,11, To the west of 16 1. south to North common road. Admeas uring 164.2 sqmts or 1767-% sqft. In which plot No.14 and all rights mentioned in sale deed No.1000/97. Both the Sides admeasuring 316.93 mts. Il) In Coimba tore Registration Dstrict in polachisub Registraton District, in Pallachi Taluk, Sulee swaranpatu Vilage, s.F.No.40 Plot No.13 "Manuthama laiappan Nagar" to an extent of 1612-4 sqft (or) 149.76 sq.m. Boundaries: South of Prope rties belonging to Thangammal West of Common cart track, North of properties in plot No.32, East of properties belonging to Murugesa Gounder. In this boundaries for the properties an ex tent of 1612 sq.ft (or) 149.76 in plot No.13. North of properties in plot No.14, South of East-west 15 feet layout road, East of properties in plot No.12, West af Northsouth 16 feet common road. Along with pathway right all other appurtenances attached thereon.