Flat No. 12 comprising of approximately 490 Sq.ft. inclusive of proportionate share in the common areas and service areas of the structure lying on the north-west side of the stairs on Fourth floor in the proposed 5 (Five) storied building to be constructed on the premises measuring more or less 5 Cottahs 15 Ch. 36 Sq.ft be the same little more or less with structure thereon duly bounded protected demarcated by pucca brick wall (5 feet high) on all four sides situated/lying at and being premises part No. 296, Ward No. 127 as Kastadanga Road, Sarsuna, Calcutta - 700 061 within the jurisdiction of Culcutta Municipal Corporation, S. S unit under P.S. - Thakurpukur and comprised in Mouza - Sarsuna, R.S. Dag No. 357 in C.S and R.S Khatian No. 635 & C.S. Khatian No. 634 in R.S. Khatian Nos. 3304, 3305, 3311, 3278 and 3279, P.S. - Thakurpukur, District - 24 Parganas (South). The Property is butted and bounded as follows : On the North : Kastadanga Road, On the South : By Land and house of Smt. Sibani Nath, On the West : By Common Passage, On the East: By Land of Smt. Jogamaya. (Property under Symbolic Possession)