SCHEDULE:A-7 In Tirupur Registration Block ward No. for this New East of House belongs to M.N.M. Veerapathira Amidst this, the land measuring to an extent in the residential complex formed in 23580 South Open area A schedule property, East floor named as C-3 measuring to an extent building measuring to an extent of 24221/2 over the corporation water connection, parking & meter, lift room, stairs, septic tank, Water EMD: Rs.16,70,000/- District, Tirupur Joint Sub Registration District, Ward K. Block No in this land measuring Chettiyar, West of North South Road, North of 23580 Sq.ff in this undivided common share Sq.ft. the Flat bearing No.C-3 in 3rd floor have Passage Area, West Open area A schedule of 17361/2 square feet having built-up area of Sq.ft (225.05 constructed in the building rights for car and bike in the marked area. lift, tank, compound wall, gate and all other BID MULTIPLER Rs.1,00,000/- Tirupur Town Ward Bungalow Road, Old Door No. 446/2 to an extent of 23580 Sq.f lies within the following Boundaries of House belongs to V.Perumal Aasari, South of East West Road of land measuring to an extent of 9821/2 Sq.ft (91.27 And the following Boundaries North Open area A schedule property, property. Amidst this, the newly build R.C.C Terrace house in the 3rd about and common areas admeasuring about 686 square feet, totally the named as "CR NEST" along with doors, windows and common rights generator, security room & toilet, borewell, bore motor, motor room appurtenance attached thereon with pathway rights in regular roads