House in Udumalpet, Tirupur Canara Bank Canara Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Sri Selvanaayaki Textiles
    Bank Name
    Canara Bank
    Property Type
    ITEM 4: SL.No (i) In Tirupur Registration District in Udumalpet Sub Registration District, in Udumalpet Taluk, nAndiyagoundanur-2Vilage, inS.F.No.679/3 (679/3A) - 36.99 Acres of land with the following boundaries :- North South and East of - other land of Venkatasamy, West of - S.F.No.681. In this middle, an extent of 1.50 Acres, on the Eastern side. AND In S.F.No.681, (681/2) 17.70 Punja acres of land with the following boundaries South Lands of Gurusamy, West of Lands in S.F.No.683 East of Lands in S.F.No.679/3. North of - Lands in S.F.No.682 In this middle, an extent of 7.00 acres, East-West on the southern side. Thus totaling an extent of 8.50 Punja Acres of land. SI.No In Tirupur Registration District, in Udumalpet Sub Registration District, in Udumalpet Taluk, in Andiyagoundanur-2Vil in S.F.No.681 (681/2) 17.70 acres of land with the following boundaries :- South Lands of Venkitasamy and lands in S.F.No.648 East of - Lands in S.F.No.679/3B West of Lands of Venkitasamy, North of - Lands of Amaravathy Dyeings Pvt Ltd. In this middle, an extent of 1.11 Punja Acres. Sl.No (iii) In Tirupur Registration District in Udumalpet Sub Registration District, in Udumalpet Taluk, in Andiyagoundanur-2 Village in S.F.No.679/3B(As per sub division 679/3B2). an extent of Acres 14.78 south end of land with the following boundaries:- North of - Lands of Ellammal and Govindaraj. South of Lands of Venkitasamy in Ean direction. 868 feet, from there in the Northem direction, 150 feet, from there in the Eastern direction. 262 feet, totaling, 1280 feet in length and 21 feet breadth, an extent of 0.61 % Punja Acres of land, common pathway and all other appurtenances thereto. SI.No (iv) In Tirupur Registration District. in Udumalpet Sub Registration District, in Udumalpet Taluk, in Andiyagoundanur Village in S.F.No.682, (682/1) punja acres of land with the following boundaries:- East & South of - Lands in S.F.No.681. West of - Lands in S.F.No.681, North of - Other Lands of Govindaraj. In this middle, an extent of 0.42 Punja Acres. AND In (As per sub division SF 679/3B2). 14.78 Punja Acres of land with the following boundaries:- North and West of - Lands of Amaravathy Dyeings Pvt Ltd. South of - Lands of Subramania Gounder in S.F No.679/3A East of - Lands of Venkitasamy in S.F.No 679/3B. In this middle, an extent of 0.10 Punja Acres. AND In F.No.679/3B (As per subdivision S.F.No.679/3B2). 14.78 Punja Acres of land with the following boundaries South of - Factory Power House, North and West of - Lands of Govindaraj, East of - Lands of Venkitasamy in S.F.No.679/3B. In this middle, an extent of 0.25 Punja Acres. Totalling 0.77 Acres of land common pathway and all other appurtenances thereto. [SI.No (1)+(ii)+(ii)+(iv)- Total 10.9975 Acres of land and buildings thereon.
    36.99 Acres
    Udumalpet, Tirupur
    Reserve Price
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    EMD submission
    Tue, 26 Mar 2024 05:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 28 Mar 2024 11:30 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Thu, 28 Mar 2024 12:30 PM
    Inspection Date & Time
    25-03-2024 11:00 AM To 04:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Ph. No. 0422-2549459 / 2555655 / 77080 44313) E-mail :-
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