Palani R.D. Vadamadurai Sub Dist. Vadasanthur Taluk, Sithuvarpatti Village, Old Natham Village S. No 460 New Natham S.F No 460/47 an extent of 990 sq. ft Boundaries: North- belongs toAmir Beevi (S. No .661/1,2), belongs to Sayabu Rowther (S.F No 460/46), South Common street West House belongs to Khdahar Beevi (S.F 1460/42), Within four boundary East west on both sides 22 feet. North south on both sides 45 feet. Total 990sq ft=91.97 sqmtr. For the above house site all mamool pathway rights and all kinds of Easementary rights including
for Detailed Terms and Conditions of the sale Please refer the links: "E-Auction" provided in Carana Bank's website : of may contact above mentioned branches or Regional Office Dindigul during office hours on any working day.