ITEM No.2: Villupuram Registration District Vikravandi Registration Sub-District at Vikravandi Door No. 49 & 49A Mariamman Koil Street,Keezhakondhai Vikravandi Revenue Village - In New Natham S No. 731/17 00035 731/18 00054, 731/13 00050 731/19 00098 Sq mtr(Old S No. 731/7, 731/18, 731/19) site measuring east to west 33 1/4 feet on the northern side and 34 feet on the Southern Side and South to North 40 feet on the eastern Side and 37 feet on the western side total extent 1295 Sq feet( 120.5 Sq mtr) out of 00237 Sq mtr together with RCC terraced house building built therein Boundaries: West of the Street: South of the Plot of Kalrayan: East of the Plot of Rajendiran North of the Plot of Kumar