DETAILS OF PROPERTIES: Property No.1: Item no-1: In Erode Registration District, Anthiyur Sub Registration District,Bhavani Taluk,Anthiyur Village,Ward no.13,Old New S.F.No.1496/11{as per New Sub-Division S.F.No.1913/6) within the following boundaries and measurements: North of 20 feet East West Road South of - House belonging to Raju, West of - House belonging to Varadarajan, No. GOD For Canara Bank East of - House belonging to Rajamani In this middle, East West on the North - 68 feet East West on the South - 68 feet North South on the East - 8 feet North South on the West - 8 feet An extent of 544 Sq.ft or 1 1/4 Cents or 50.53 of land and building thereon with its doors,windows,fixtures and fittings, Electricity Connection and water connection its deposits and all rights of way and all other appurtenances attached therewith. Item No-2: In Erode Registration District, Anthiyur Sub Registration District, Bhavani Taluk, Anthiyur Village,Ward no.13,Old,New S.F.No.1496/11(as per New Sub-Division F.No.1913/6) within the following boundaries and measurements: North of 20 feet East West Road South of House belonging to Saraswathi and Gurunathan, West of - House belonging to Raju, East of - House belonging to Raju, In this middle, East West on the North - 10 1/4 feet East West on the South - 10 1/4 feet North South on the East - 85 feet North South on the West - 85 feet An extent of 871 1/4 Sq.ft or 2 Cents or 80.94 of land and building thereon with its doors,windows,fixtures and fittings,Electricity Connection and water connection its deposits and all rights of way and all other appurtenances attached therewith. Item No-3: In Erode Registration District,Anthiyur Sub Registration District,Bhavani Taluk,Anthiyur Village,Ward no.13,Old,New S.F.No.1496/11(as per New Sub-Division S.F.No.1913/6 within the following boundaries and measurements: North of - 20 feet East West Road South of - Land Belonging to Ramasamy Chettiar West of - House belonging to Varadarajan, East of - House belonging to Raju, In this middle, East West on the North - 56 3/4 feet East West on the South - 49 1/2 feet North South on the East - 79 1/4 feet North South on the West - 87 3/4 feet An extent of 4436 Sq.ft or 10 Cents or 412.11 of land and building thereon and its doors, windows, fixtures and fittings, Electricity Connection and water connection its deposits and all rights of way and all other appurtenances attached therewith. Door Nos.17,18 and 19 "VOC Street" Electricity Connection Nos.04340004225,0434000415 and 0440004660 Water Connection No.476 This Property is situated within the limits of Anthiyur Town Panchayat. Item No-4: In Erode Registration District,Anthiyur Sub Registration District,Bhavani Taluk,Anthiyur Village,Ward no.13,Old,N New S.F.No.1496/12 within the following boundaries and measurements: North of - Land belonging to Kali gounder and Gurusamy Gounder South of - Anthiyur Panchyat 20 feet East Weat V.O.C Street, West of - House belonging to S.K.R.Gopal Chettiar, East of - House belonging to Mani, In this middle, East West on the North - 82 1/2 feet East West on the South - 80 1/2 feet North South on the East - 91 feet North South on the West - 91 feet An extent of 7416 1/2 Sq.ft or 17 Cents or 689 of land and building thereon with its doors,windows,fixtures and fittings,Electricity Connection and water connection its deposits and all rights of way and all other appurtenances attached therewith. Door No.1A, "VOC Street" Electricty Connection No.04 340 004 832 This Property is situated at within the limits of Anthiyur Town panchayat. In total an extent of (544+871 1/4 +4436+7416 1/2 =13267 3/4 Sq.ft) of land and building in Anthiyur Village and all other appurtenances attached therewith.