All that piece and parcel of land and Building in the name of SMT. S. DIVYA W/O SURESHKUMAR located at in Salem District, Salem (East) Registration District, ATTUR Sub- Registration District, Attur Taluk, Valaiyamadevi Village, Survey No.145/1 (Acre 6.40), in this part of land, i.e., Acre 6.00 was plotted into house sites in the name and style of "KUMARAN NAGAR" in which PLOT NO.71 having the boundaries and extents are as under; East of - Plot No.70. West of - In this Survey No. 145/1, 30 feet wide, South -North common road. North of - Plot No.64. South of - In this Survey No. 145/1, 25 feet wide, East-West common road. Linear Measurements: East - West on Northern side - 40 ft East - West on Southern side - 40 ft South - North on Western side - 50 ft South - North on Eastern side - 50 ft Thus, admeasuring 2000 sq. feet of land & building together with the rights to use and/or take cattle, cart and vehicle through the pathways left in Survey No.145/1 and pathway acquired under PATHWAY AGREEMENT No.932/2012 and all pathway rights and easement rights as prescribed in the Sale Deed dated 22.08.2016 (Doc. No. 3944/2016) and its parent title deeds and the property is situated within the limits of Valaiyamadevi Village Panchayat