All that partly one storied and partly two storied brick built building messages, tenement or dwelling house measuring an area of 800 sq ft(super built up area (area of ground floor 585 sq. ft. (approx.) and area of First floor 215 sq. ft. (approx.) together with the piece or parcel of revenue free land thereunto belonging to whereon or on part thereof the same is erected and built containing by estimation of an area of 1 (One) Cottah 8 (Eight) Chittacks 18 (Eighteen) square feet more or less delineated in the plan annexed heretoo bordered with RED colour lying and situate at Mouza-Sahapur, C.S. Dag No. 654, R.S. Dag No. 601 Khatian No. 375, J.L No. 8, R. S No.. 179, Touzi No. 93 & 101 now known and numbered as 87/1, Sahapur Main Road, P.S Behala, Kolkata-700038 under Ward No.119 of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (S.S Unit) Butted and bounded Bounded: One the North: Building of G.D. Ghatak One the South: By 4 feet common passage & building of Mr. Mondal One the East: By building of Mr. Ghosh One the West: By building of Mihir Chakraborty