Ayan Punjai Survey No.693/2, 692/4B, 692/4A and Ayan Punjai Survey No.692/1B as per the present Sub Division Patta No.5681. Ayan Punjai S.No.692/4A1 East to West – 26.25 ft. South to North – 50 ft. Total Extent is 1312.5 sq.ft equivalent to 121.93 sq.mtr (3.01 Cent) Tenkasi District, Tenkasi Registration District, Tenkasi Taluk,Tenkasi No.2 Joint Sub Registrar Office, Gunaramanallur Panchayat, Gunaramanallur Village, as per the Gunaramanallur Panchayat Approval No.3/07- 08,Dt.15.02.2008, Salma Nagar – Plot No.90 Boundaries East by Sharmila Cross Street West by Plot No.91 South by Rahman East to West Street North by Plot No.89