Property measuring 13 marlas i. e. 54’6”x 63’ details as under 1.Land measuring 08 marlas i.e. 8/151 share of 07 kanals 11 marlas comprised in Murrabba No 71 killa No 21/1(7-11) Khewat no 11 2.Land measuring 05 marlas i.e. 1/22 share of 05 kanal 09 marlas comprised in Murrabba No 70 Killa No 25/1/1(5-9) khewat no 12 jamabandi for the year2008-2009 Hadbast No 260 Rakba Mohkam Arien Tehsil Jalalabad District Fazilka vide title deed 2632 dated 10.10.2014 in the name of Smt Parveen Rani w/o Ravinder Kumar S/o Moti Lal resident of Bhai sant Singh Street Jalalabad which is bounded as : East: Mohinder Pal West: Walait Chand North: Street South: Dhanke