All part and parcel of 29.25 cents land with Residential building therein at Old Sy No 154/3, Re Survey No 5/6, Kizhakkoth Amsom, Desom, Kizhakkoth Village, Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District in the name of Late Mohammed N C (After the death of Mortgagor, subject property is owned by his legal heirs namely Sri Lubab KM, Smt Labeeba K M, Smt Lubaina N and Smt Subaida PK) East- Thazhechalu Paramba North- Bhakkiyull 11 1/8 centum Moosa Kaivasavum West- Abu Haji Kaivasavum Ayamedkunhi kaivasavum South- Rararambathu Paramba