ITEM NO-3: In the Coimbatore Registration District, Mettupalayam Sub Registration District, Mettupalayam Taluk, Sikkadasampalayam Village, Mettupalayam Town Panchayat Extension Road, in S.F.No.342, T.S.No.C/14/71 (Patta No.675 R.T.R.No.563/2012/A1 dated 04.04.2012) covered in Doc No.2492/2019 the land with old house constructed is bounded North of - Northern side Pathway left near well in Vellakinathu Pattai South of - Property belongs to Mr.Amarnath, extension road No. 1 East of - Property belongs to Mr.Amarnath, North South Road West of - Property belongs to Mr.Kaliappan Ramasamy And having the following Measurements On the Southern side East West - 33'0" On the Eastern side North South - 31'09" On the Northern side East West - 05'6" On Western side North South - From Southernside towards East West - 33'0" From South towards North - 39'0" from that point Towards East - 16'09" from the towards North - 27'03' from that towards West - 00'02 from that towards North 11'02" this Northern end line above stated Northern side East West -05'06" Western side end line coin sides In totaling an extent of 1385 Sq.ft(128.67 3 cents and 77 sq.ft land with building constructed with together with all fittings, Elecricity and Water Service connection, their security deposits with all electrical fittings together with mamool rights of way and all appurtenances attached thereto Door no.38/A, 074/020/00042 old 074/11242, E.B.No.03-140-017-0273, Water service connection No.5719, This property situates within Mettupalayam Municipality, extension Street No.1 (Ward "C' Block - -14, T.S.No.71) Old Ward No.5 then No.5 now Ward 20.