Details and full description of the property(ies): Property in the name of Mr. K Senthilvel: Madurai District, Madurai South Registration District, Madurai Sub Registration District, Madurai South Taluk, Nallur Village, in Old Patta No. 1187, New Patta No. 1410, Punjai Re-Survey No. 261/1A measuring Hectare 1.37.0 i.e., Acre 3 Cents 38 out of which on the Southern side an extent of 1 Acre and 50 Cents has been bifurcated into number of plots out of which Plot No. 14 which as per sub-division in Patta No. 1782 in UDR Survey No. 261/1A2, New Re-Survey No. 261/1A2A and the superstructure constructed thereon is bounded on the North by : 20 Feet wide East-West Common Road East by : Vacant site bearing Plot No. 15 South by : Karuppiah's Land West by : Vacant site bearing Plot No. 13 within the above boundaries admeasuring East to West on the Northern side 33 Feet, on the Southern side 33 Feet, South to North on the Western side 53 Feet, on the Eastern side 55 Feet aggregating to 1782 Sq.ft. of vacant site and its road area an extent of 330 Sq.ft. and thus totally an extent of 2112 Sq.ft. of site and the superstructure constructed thereon and all the appurtenances comprised therein and every part and parcel of the above said property. The above property as per Panchayat Union House Tax Receipt is having Assessment No. 414, Nallur, Door No. 2/380A.