All that part and parcel of landed property known as “VAFEM XETAVORIL BOROD TUCDA” situated in ward Apeval, Village Panchayath Veling-Priol-Cuncoliem, Taluka Ponda, District North Goa, State of Goa Registered Under description No. 8640, at page No. 26 of book No. B-23 (New Series) and described in the Taluka revenue office Ponda under Matriz Predial Nos. 350,351, and 357 and Surveyed under Survey No. 166/1 admeasuring 6376.75 Sq. Mtr at Plot A, B, C and D details of which are mentioned hereunder consisting of factory building and other civil works standing in the name of Mr. A Surendra Kamath.
Industrial Plot with Factory Building for Sale in Bandora