Land And Building in Anaimalai, Coimbatore Canara Bank Canara Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Namora International
    Bank Name
    Canara Bank
    Property Type
    land and building
    Description of the property: PROPERTY NUMBER I: 5789.302 Sq.feet Land and building. ITEM 1: MODTD of Land and building at Coimbatore Registration District, Anaimalai Sub-Registration District, Pollachi Tk, in Odayakulam Village, SF.No.1038/1 & 1039/B1 as per subdivision and the new SF.No. 1038/1A & 1039/B1B with in the following Boundaries: Property belongs to B.Sharmila. On the South - of the 30 feet width Shanmugam Road, On the East - of the 60 feet Wide Sethumadai Road, On the North - of the property purchased by S.Ravikumar from K.Algeswari and Others, On the West - of the property of Subramaniam, With the following Measurements:- South - side by east -west 75'6 feet, East - side by south -north 44'6 feet, North - side by east -west 43'6 feet, West - by south-north 55'0 feet, Thus an extent of 2630.402 Sq. Feet or 244.37 Sq. Meters of land and all the rights and appurtenances thereon. ITEM 2: Property belongs to Ravikumar. MODTD of Land and building at Coimbatore Registration District, Anaimalai Sub-Registration District, Pollachi Tk, in Odayakulam Village, SF.No.1038/1 & 1039/B1 as per subdivision and the new SF.No. 1038/1B& 1039/B1D with in the following Boundaries On the South - of the property purchased by Sharmila from Y.Kiruthika Meenakshi & Y Vishnuvardhan @ Dinesh, On the East - of the 60 feet width Sethumadai Road, On the North - of the property of Mohan Kumar in S.F. No 1038/2, On the West - of the below mentioned property measuring an extent of 532.5 Sq.ft purchased by E.S Ravikumar from Ganesan, With the following Measurements:- South - side by east -west 86'0 feet, East - side by south -north 35'6" feet, North - side by east -west 60'6 feet, West - side by south-north 44'0 feet, Thus an extent of 2626.400 Sq. Feet or 244 Sq. Meters of land and all the rights and appurtenances thereon. ITEM NO 3: MODTD of Land and building at Coimbatore Registration District, Anaimalai Sub-Registration District, Pollachi Tk, in Odayakulam Village, SF No. 1039/B1 as per subdivision and the new SF.No. 1039/B1E with in the following Boundaries: AND Boundaries: North- of the S.F.No 1039/2, East of the above mentioned property measuring an extent of 2626.400 Sq.ft purchased by E.S. Ravikumar from K.Alageswari, P.Udhayalakshmi, S. Indirani and V.K. Kalavathi, South - of the property purchased by Sharmila from Y. Kiruthika Meenakshi and Y. Vishnuvarthan @ Dinesh, West- of the remaining property of K.Ganesan, Within the following Measurements Northern side by east -west 15'0 feet, Southern side by east -west 15'0 feet, Western side by south-north 35'6: feet, Eastern side by south -north 35'6" feet, Thus an extent of 532.5 Sq. Feet or 49.476 S Meters of land and all the rights and appurtenances thereon. Hence, the total extent of the property in item No.1, item No.2 and item No.3 2630.402 Sq.ft (or) 244.37.Sq. + 2626.400 Sq.t (or) 244 Sq. Meter + 532.5 Sq feet (or) 49.47 Meter) = 5789.302 .feet (or) 537.84 Sq. meter.
    5789.302 Sq Fteet
    Anaimalai, Coimbatore
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    EMD submission
    Fri, 08 Sep 2023 05:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:30 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:30 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Ph :- 94422 03693, 94422 03675 / E-mail :- rocbe2rec
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