Description of the property : Residential Land and Building: In Coimbatore Registration District, Coimbatore Sub Registration District, Coimbatore Taluk. Coimbatore Corporation Limit, Coimbatore Town, Anuparpalayam Village, OldT.S.No.1/298/9, New T.S.No.1/1236 Gopalapuram 2nd street, In this Boundaries : North of - Now Property belonging to Jayachandran and Rajamannar, South of - East West Common pathway with an extent of 72 feet length 7 feet 10 inches in Gopalapuram No. 2 street, East of - Property belonging to R.Venugopal, West of - Jilla Court Within this Middle, East West on the both sides - 22'4" South North on the both sides . 35' 8" Extent : 796 Sq.ft. In this above said property, with a First, Second and Third Floored RCC Roofed Residential Building bearing Tax Assessment No.73218556 having D.No.1/1236 Gopalapuram No.2 street, with all its Electric Service Connection and its Deposits bearing S.C.No. 004-004- 2486, with all its doors, windows, electric fittings, lights, latrines, Meter deposits, Lifts, fixtures and appurtenances and with an East West Common pathway with an extent of 72 feet length 7 feet 10 inches in Gopalapuram No.2 street and with all its easementary rights of common pathway and rights fully. Reserve Price : Rs.1.20.00,000/- EMD : Rs.12,00,000/-