All that part and parcel of property of Mr. Yusuf Mondal (Borrower and Mortgagor). All part and parcel of land measuring 5 Decimal more or less, comprising of single storied building measuring 1000 Sq.ft more or less situated at Mouza - Sithi, J.L. No. 101, Touzi No. 12 (Hal 146), Re. Sa. No. 50, Hal L.R. Khatian No. 1526, R.S. Dag No. 696, HAL L.R. No. 760, under Barasat Municipality, P.S. - Barasat, ADSR Office - Barasat, Pargana- Anowarpur, Dist - North 24 PGS. The said Property is bounded as follows On the North: Property of Md. Yasin Mondal, On the South: Property of Yunus Ali, On the East: 8 feet Pucca Common Passage, On the West: Land of Other Dag.