All that part and parcel of property of Sri Anup Chakrabarty (Borrower and Mortgagor). All that piece & parcel of land measuring 1.5 Decimal along with 400 Sq.ft. building comprised in Dag No. 415 under Khaitan No. 428 lying & situated at Mouza- Uttarhat, J.L. No. 78, Re. Sa. No. 246, Ward No. 15, Holding No. N/102/1, Kazipara Main Road under Barasat Municipality, P.S, - Barasat, Dist - North 24 Pgs which is butted and bounded by following manner : On the North - Tarun Saha & Barun Chakraborty, On the South-Barun Chakraborty & Tarun Chakraborty, On the East - 8Ft Wide Road, On the West - 8Ft Wide Road & Barun Chakraborty. (Property under Constructive Possession)