All that piece and parcel of land and building situated at Door No. 6,Plot No. 79,13th street,as approved vide No: 21/1971 forming part of Puzhal Village,Madhavaram Taluk,Thiruvallur District comprised in old Survey No 582/1 and 582/2 New Survey No 582/79 covered under Patta bearing No. 13440 measuring an extent of 10800 sqft and building there on Bounded on the North by:- Kannapa Swami Nagar 12th street South by:- Kannapa Swami Nagar 13th Street East by:- Plot No. 77 & 93 West by:- Plot No. 76 & 92 Total Extent – 10800 sqft Situated within the Registration District of North Chennai and Sub – Registration District of Red Hills