Property owned by: Late Sri Ravuri Kasi Ranga Sudhakar Rao S/o Ravuri Somaiah Schedule of property: All part and Parcel of Land and building situated in Prakasam District, Markapur RD and Cumbum Sub district and Cumbum Mandal, and Cumbum Gram Panchayat limits, in cumbum village, near D.No:20-11-13 in S.No.112, measuring 200 Sq.yards or 168 Sq.mts (Covered Under Regd. Sale Deed Doc No. 2794/2015 dated 19/10/2015 of S.R.O Cumbum), bounded by North: Site of Applicant South: House of the Vendor East: Site of the Applicant West: Site of Ravuri Kasi ranga Janardana Rao Within the Above boundaries measuring East to West: 75 ft., and North to South:24 ft., measuring in total 200 Sq yards (16 Sq yds Passage,200-16=184 Sq yds) or 168 Sq. Mts.