All that part and parcel of property being land and building in the name of Mrs. Ruby Begum at Mondalganthi, Barasat, 24 Parganas North, P. O. Chota Jagulia, Pin 743294 Property in Deed No. 5184/03 dated 29.09.2003. Dag No. 310, R S No. 96, Khatian No. 352, LR Khatian No. 181 at Mouza - Mondalganthi with area 2 cottahs 8 chittaks 12 1/2 sq ft. The said property is bounded as follows - On the North by : Dag No. 311, On the South by : Dag No. 309. On the East by: Dag Nos. 301 & 302, On the West by : 6' wide common passage. Property in Deed No. 6185/03 dated 29.09.2003. Land 2 cottahs 10 chittaks 15 sq ft situated at Mouza - Mondalganthi under J.L. No. 18, R. S. Khatian No. 414, L R Khatian No. 399, Dag No. 311, P. S. arasat, Dist 24 Parganas North The said property is bounded as follows . On the North by: 3' common passage, On the South by: Dag No. 310. On the East by: Dag Nos. 301 & 302. On the West by: Plot No. 2.