Details of Property : TYPE: Land and building All that piece and parcel of the undivided share of the House site comprised in Old Survey No.2645 (4069), Re Survey No. 769/2, situated at New Door No. 5. Old Door No. 6. 1st Floor, Mylapore village, Pertho street, Venkatachala Mudali Street (Vinayagar Pillayar koil Street) 1st lane, Mirsahibpet, Royapettah in sub Registration district of Mylapore, Chennai 600014, extent of land - Undivided share of 406 sq. ft in the total land having an extent of 1219 sq. ft, extent of building - built up area is 1200 sq. ft with RCC framed structure in 1st floor Boundaries: On the North by : Pertho Street, On the South by : property in Re- Survey No 794, On the East by : Property in Re-Survey No 771 and On the West by : Property in Re-Survey No 769/3.