All the parts and parcel of the property and structures situated at Dindigul RD Dindigul Joint II SRD Pallapatti village measures 1st thakku East west on the northern side of 73 1/21 on the southern side of 85 2 ft, North south on the western side of 143 on the eastern side of 137 totally 11144 sqf 2nd thakku East west on the northern side of 33 on the southern side of 32 North south on the western side of 30 on the eastern side of 29 totally 965 sq all together 12109 comprised in new S No 203/5C1. corresponding No 203/1B2 bounded by East by North south Kottapatti West by Land in S Nos 203/8 203/1B2 202 North by Land of Ramesh Lands S No 203/1B2 South by Land in No 203/1B4
for Detailed Terms and Conditions of the sale Please refer the links "E-Auction" provided in Carana Bank's website of may contact above mentioned branches or Regional Office Dindigul during office hours on any working day