Item No.2: Name of Title Holder: Mrs.S.Shakuntala In Gobi Registration District, Punjaipuliampatti Sub Registration District, Erode District, Sathyamangalam Taluk, Punjaipuliampatti II Grade Municipality Ward No.1. Thiru. Vee. Ka. Joint Street, Punjai Puliampatti Village, R.S.No.59/49 to 58 (Old S.F.No.147). South of East West Nakkeerar Street, North of Land belonging to Natarajaasari, East of House and Land Belonging to Nachimuthu Gounder, West of House and Land Belonging to Rangasamy Chettiar. In this middle, Both sides East West 18 3/4 feet. Both Sides North-South 55 1/2 feet. Total 1041 Square feet. An extent of 1041 Square feet land with R.C.C Building