Land And Building in Rt Nagar, Bangalore Canara Bank Canara Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Technospark Industries India Pvt Ltd
    Bank Name
    Canara Bank
    Property Type
    land and building
    4 All that piece and parcel of land and building existing and or to be constructed there on in Sri Ram White House Apartment Complex House No WH-37 in Block All on the fifth floor, Apartment No 501, Survey No 37 located at VI Main, 15th cross, RT Nagar, Bangalore-32 together with easementary and appurtments thereto in the name of Mrs. Surekha Suresh and Mr. Mohan Suresh, with an undivided right title and interest of the area measuring 1054 square feet and bounded as follows:- East by- Storm Water drain, West by BDA Road, North by-Remaining portion of Property bearing Sy No 37. pertaining to White House Project South by Private Property.
    1054 Sq Ft
    Rt Nagar, Bangalore
    Reserve Price
    Reserve Price (per Sq Ft)
    21,821 per Sq Ft
    Emd Amount
    EMD submission
    Thu, 20 Jun 2024 03:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Fri, 21 Jun 2024 10:30 AM
    Add To Calendar
    Auction End Date & Time
    Fri, 21 Jun 2024 11:00 AM
    Contact Details for Support
    Contact :- Mr. Gangadhar - 9900711744 / Mr. Shibu Babu - 9891628914
    EAuction Website
    Canara Bank
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