All that part and parcel of property comprising of Land measuring 5 Chittak 42 Sq.ft. along with 4 storied structure measuring an area about 267 Sq.ft. in every floor i.e. 1068 Sq.ft., being RS Khatian No. 244 LR Khantian No. 3007, RS Dag No. 324. LR Dag No. 570. Mouza - Sahara, Touzi No. 146, P.S. - Airport 24 Pgs North within Madhyamgram Municipality, Holding No. 222/7, Ward No. 27 and butted and bounded as follows : On the North : House of Dipak Kumar Ghosh, On the South : 150 feet wide Jessore Road, On the East : Building of Ratna Das, On the West House of Nemai Banerjee (Property under our Symbolic Possession)