All that piece and parcel of Land and Building at Door No.40. VIshalakshi Nagar 3rd Cross Street, Ekkattuthangal, Chennal-600 032, comprised in ld Survey No.45, TS.No.53, as per Patta Town Survey No.63/9, Block No.1, land measuring to an extent of 1900 sq.ft with Existing Building thereon, at Ekkattuthangal Block No.1, to an Extent of 1900 sq.ft. with existing building thereon at Ekkattuthangal Village, bounded on North by: 20 Feet Road, South by : Old Survey No.61, East by: Survey No.43, West by: Plot No.41 and Situated within the Sub-Reqistration Districtof Joint-1SubReistrar Saidapet. and Reqistration Districtof ehennaiSouth