Schedule D: In Coimbatore Registration District, Sulur Sub Registration District, Palladam Taluk, Karumathampatti village, in G.S.No.789 (patta No. 231) an extent of 15.74 acres (present sub division G.S.No.789/3) bounded and measuring: North of the East west way in G.S.No.789/4, South of the lands in G.S.No.788/3, East of the lands belonging to Muthu gounder and others, West of the North south way situated in G.S.789/5, In this middle, an extent of 11.55 acres, in this the lands belonging to K.V.Thangavel as per the settlement deed bearing Registration No.5833/2008 the lands given as settlement in the Northern side out of an extent of 3.00 acres in Southern side an extent of 1.5 acres bounded and measuring: North of the lands in G.S.No.789/3, in middle measuring an extent of 2.00 acres. South of The remaining lands belonging to K.V.Thangavel East of the lands belonging to Muthu Gr and others. West of The North South way in G.S.No.789/5, In this middle, in East west an extent of 1.5 acres (one acre and fifty cents) of land and the right to using North west common way right of using the vehicles, pathway and other appurtenances thereto. The property is situated within the Karumathamapatti town panchayat.