ITEM No.I: All parts and parcel of the property, land and building situated in Registration District Thanjavur, Registry: Vallam, Taluk: Thanjavur, Village: Vallam Pudhur Sethi, Old S.No: 223/1, New S.No.: 223/1B2, Total Extent: 3035.50 sq. ft. Boundaries: North by National Highways, West by site in S.No.223/1B1, East by 2nd item Property, South by land belongs to Balasubramanian. Measurement: East West 49.2' sq.ft. on both sides, South North 61.6 sq ft. on both sides. ITEM No.II: Registration District: Thanjavur, Sub. Registry: Vallam, Taluk: Thanjavur, Village: Vallam Pudhur Sethi, Old S.No. : 223/1, New S.No. : 223/1 Total Extent : 3347.60 sq ft.out of 5598 1/4 sq.f Boundaries: North by National Highways, West by 1st item Property, South by land belongs to Balasubramanian. East by land belongs to Balasubramanian. Measurement: East west 55 sq. ft. on both sides, South north 61.6 sq. ft. on both sides. Including RCC house and its amenities.