Property - 2 : All the Parts and Parcel of the Structures at Dindigul RD,Shanarpatti SRO, Dindigui Taluk Vembarpatti Village in Old S.No 380/1A and New S. No 380/1A1A1 in which the Land measuring 0.12.0 Hec 30 Cents (13080 Sq.ft). Boundaries : North : Land of Hariharan South: Land of R Boobalakannan East : Gopalpatti Main Road, West Cart Pathway The Property lies within the Jurisdication of Office of Shanrpatti SRO
Detailed Terms and Conditions of the sale Please refer the links "E-Auction" provided in Carana Bank's website of may contact above mentioned branches or Regional Office Dindigul, during office hours on any working day