Property situated in Krishnagiri District ,Krishnagiri
Registration District, Bargur Sub Registration District,
Sigaralapalli Village,
1. Sy No.756/1A, Dry Ext.Hec.0.00.50, Asst.
Rs.0.06 in this said land bounded as follows :
To the West of : Malar House
To the North of : Road
To the East of : Street
To the South of : Sy .No 758/2B3 Land, in the midst
Triangular Bit measuring
East to West on the North side :37 feet
East to West on the South Side :41 feet
South to North on the West Side :20 feet
Totally measuring an Extent of 370 sq feet land.
2. Sy. No. 758/2B3,Dry. Exc.0.28.5, Asst. Rs.0.95
in this said land bounded as follows :
To the West of : Malar House
To the North of :Sy.No.756/1A land
To the East of : Street
To the South of : Murugan House
In the midst measuring
East to West on the North Side :40 ¼ feet
East to West on the South Side :37 feet
South to North on the East Side :56 feet
South to North on the West Side :44 feet
Totally measuring an extent of 1931 sq feet land
Both Two Survey Numbers totally measuring an extent
of 2301 sq feet land with RCC building along with
common way and all easement rights.
The property comes under the Village Panchayat limits
of Sigaralapalli and Union Council of Bargur.