All that piece and parcel of bastu land measuring an area of 2 Cottah 2 chittaks 25 sq ft with two storied brick built building at Premises No. 298/1, Brahma Samaj Road (acoording to mutation certificate mailing address 78, Brahma Samaj Road), Holding No. 298/192. Brahma Samaj Road, Mouza-Behala, J. L. No. 2, Touzi No. 346, R. S. No. 83, Sabek Khatian No. 2194, Hal Khatian Nos. 6736, 6737, 6738, 6739, 8922, 8922, 8923, 8924, 8925, Sabek Dag No. 6596, Hal Dag No. 8367, under P, s. Behala under Ward No. 130 of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation ($S unit), P.O.&P.S.Parmasree, Dist.-South 24 Paraganas, Kolkata 700034, owned by Sri Binayak Kumar Chatterjee which is butted and bounded by: On ihe North-Property of Abani Nath Chatterjee, On the South-Brahma Samaj Road, On the East Property of Anindya Nath Chatterjee, On the West Common Passage. (Property under our Constructive Possession) Property-B:All thatone soif contained residantial Flat No.1A, on the first foor, South East side measuring more or less 1150 Sq. Ft. with open car parking space on the ground foor erected and built on the plot of bastu land measuring an area of 6 Cottah 14 Chittaks with structure lying at Mouza-Behala J. L. No. 2, Touzi No. 346, R.S. No. 83, C. S. Dag No. 6596, under C. S Khatian No. 2194, coresponding to R. S. Dag No. 8358, under R. S. Khatian No. 6736 to 6739, 8922 to 8925, Pargana-Balia, P. S. Pamasree (Previously Behala), Dist, South 24 Paraganas, now known and numbered as Premises no. 297C, Brahma Samaj Road, Kolkata 700034 (Postal Address 78, Brahma Samaj Road, Kolkata 700034) under ward no 130 of Kalkata Municipal corporation (SS Unit). owned by Sri Binay Kumar Chatterjee and the whole building is butfed and bounded by: On the North-1.295 meter wide K. M, C. Road, On the South 7.5 meter or 24'7" ft. wide Brahma Samaj Road. On the East-3.048 meter or 10' t wide common passage, On the West-property of Bela Rani Chatterjee. (Property under our Constructive Possession)