Eluru District, Chintalapudi SRO, Chintalapudi Mandal, Pothunuru Grampanchayat in the village of Pothunuru an AC Sheet roofed Rice Mill in the name and style of M/s Chaya Traders bearing it’s Door No.2-35 and assessment no.235 situated in an extent of Ac 0-02 cents in R S No.18/1O, Ac 1-12.26 cents in R.S.No.18/1P, Ac0-06 cents in R.S no.18/1J and Ac 0-40 cents in R S no.97/1 i.e all the above single bit of site totaling an extent of Ac 1-60.26 cents or 7756.62 sq.yds bounded by:
East : Chintalapudi to sattupalli Link Road
South : Chintalapudi to sattupalli Road
West : Lands of Elugu Pullayya and others
North : Land of Puppala Brahmarao