Item No.1: Description of the site: The undivided share of open land admeasuring 46.37 sq.yds or 38.771 sqmtrs, out of 4767.4 sq.yds or 3986.166 sq.mts in survey no.238/1, Nearest Door No: 3-53, situated at Guntupalli village and Gram panchayat, Ibrahimpatnam mandal, Krishna District under S.R.O. Ibrahimpatnam. East: Some property belonging to Pacchapatla Chandra Sekhar and some part of Road. South: Property belonging to Marupudi Vishnuvardhan Rao & Others West: Property belonging to Marupudi Sudarshana Anjaneyulu and sons North: Property belonging to Marupudi Annapurna Devi & Others Item No.2: Flat Details: In the total site of item no.1 apartments were constructed under the name and style of “ANJANA GREEN PARK†in which Flat No.115 in GROUND FLOOR with the following boundaries: East: Open to Sky South: Open to Sky West: Common Corridor North: Open to Sky