All that piece and parcel of Danga and Sali land containing by admeasuring 156.50 Satak (One fifty six point five), out of total land of admeasuring 4.33 Acres the proportionate area of the common path attributable to the area purchased by these presents is 17.60 Satak out of total common path 43.70 Satak which is 40.27% and the said 17.60 Satak land used only common path at Mouza - Eksara, J.L. No. 4, RS Dag Nos. 837, 844, LR Dag Nos. 879, 886, LR Khatian Nos. 730/2, 3314, J.L. No. 5, RS Dag Nos. 1938, 1939, LR Dag Nos. 1917, 1918 under Chamrail Gram Panchayat, P.S. Liluah, Dist- Howrah, Pin 711 114 in the name of M/s Transmission & Distribution (India) Limited. Boundary of the Property North- Property of others, South wide Common Path & property of owner, East Property of other, West Property of owner and Benaras Road.