Land in Udumalpet, Tirupur Canara Bank Canara Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Sri Selvanaayaki Textiles
    Bank Name
    Canara Bank
    Property Type
    ITEM No.5: In Tirupur Registration District in Udumalpet Sub Registration District Udumalpet Taluk in No.82 Andiyagoundanur 2 Village in Patta No.94 in G.S.No.679/3D, an extent of 0.43.5 Hectares or 1.08 acres of land and its appurtenances thereto. AND In the same place, in an extent of 8.46 acres of land, in this as per the Patta Book bearing No 1615. in No.682/1 an extent of 3.39.9 Hectares or 8.38 acres of land, in this the land, bounded and measuring North of The lands in G.S.No.678 and the share of lands belonging to Govindaraj in 682/1. South of The lands in G.S.No.68 and the lands belonging to Amaravathi Dyeings Pvt Ltd. East of The lands in G.S.No.679/3B and the 1.08 Acres of land situated in G.No.679/3D West of The share lands belonging to Govindaraj in G.S.No.682/1 In this middle, an extent of 3.92 acres of land and its appurtenances thereto. AND In the same place in G.S No.678 an extent of 9.56 acres of land, in this as per the patta pass book bearing No.1615 in G.S.No.678/1 an extent of 1.00 Hectares or 2.47 acres of land, in this the land bounded and measuring:- North of The lands in S.No.678/2 678/3 and 678/4. South of The 2.34 acres of lands in G.S.No.678/1 East of The lands in G.S.No.679. West of The 0.02 acre of pathway situated in G.S.No. 678/4. In this middle, an extent of 20 links broad East west common pathway an extent of 0.13 acres in this the 1/4th share to an extent of 0.03 1/4 acre. AND In the same place. in G.S.No.678/4 an extent of 0.19.0 Hectare or 0.47 acre of land, in this, bounded and measuring:- of Other lands in South of Other lands in G.S.No.678/4 East of The 0.13 acre of pathway situated in G.S.No.678/1. West of The 0.19 acre of pathway situated in G.S.No.678/5. In this middle an extent of 20 links broad East West common pathway, to an extent of 0.02 acre in this the 1/4 th Share to an extent of 0.00 1/2 acre. AND In the same place in G.S.No.678/5 an extent of 0.72.0 Hectare or 1.78 acres of land in this bounded and measuring North of The lands in S.No.678/6 and 678/7, South of The 1.59 acres of land in G.S.No.678/5 and the Lands in G.S.N 682, East of The 0.02 acres of pathway situated in G.S.No. 678/4 West of The lands in G.S.Nos.684 and 678/7. In this middle an extent of 20 links broad East west and North South common pathway. to an extent of 0.19 acre in this 1/4th share to an extent of 0.04 acre. AND In the same place. in G.S.No.679/3C an extent of 1.37.5 Hectares or 3.40 acres of land, in this bounded and measuring:- East of The North south road situated in G.S.No.679/2 South of The share of lands belonging to Gurusamy, West of The lands in G.S.No.678 North of The lands in G.S.No.675 and 678. In this middle an extent of 20 links broad East West common pathway to an extent of 0.08 acre in this the 1/4th share to an extent of 0.02 acre. AND In the same place, in bounded and measuring East of The lands belonging to Govindaraj. West of The lands in G.S.Nos 678, 683 and 684, South of Land in G.S.No.683. In this middle, an extent of 20 links broad north south common pathway, to an extent of 0.20 acre in this the 1/4 th share to an extent of 0.05 acre. The above pathway is situated in G.S.No.682/1 and 682/2. AND In the same place. in G.S No 683 bounded and measuring East of The lands in G.S.No.68 and 682, West of The share of lands belonging to Govindaraj and the lands in G.S.No.648 South of The lands in G.S.No.681 North of The share of lands belonging to Govindaraj. Velusamy and others in G.S.No.682 In this middle, an extent of 20 links broad North South common pathway to an extent of 0.26 acre in this the 1/4th share to an extent of 0.06 1/2 acre The above pathway is situated in G.S.No. 683/1A and 683/1C. All the above items totaling an extent of 5.22 acres of land and the buildings thereon the right to use the usual pathways as well the enjoyment right as per the parent title deeds and enjoyment right and other appurtenances thereto.
    Udumalpet, Tirupur
    Reserve Price
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    EMD submission
    Mon, 09 Sep 2024 05:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Wed, 11 Sep 2024 10:30 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Wed, 11 Sep 2024 11:30 AM
    Inspection Date & Time
    06-09-2024 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
    Bank Contact Details
    Phone No : 0422 2555655 / 94890 43584
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