All that piece and parcel of a land measuring with an Area 8 Satak more or less, together with structure standing thereon at Mouza - Sondalpur, Khatian No. 97. Dag No. 219, J.L. No. 52, R.S. No. 799, Touzi No. 12 under Atghoria Simlon Gram Panchayat, P.S. - Kalna, Dist - Burdwan, Property in the name of M/s. Niranjan Khadi Gramudyog Seva Samiti. The said land with building is bounded : On the North - By Pucca Road, On the South - By Land of Asit Mondal, On the East - By Land of Bachuram Mondal, On the West - By Land of Nikhil Mondal. (Property under Symbolic Possession)